Albano to Velletri – 2nd June
Distance: 20.5 km – Elevation +780 m -750 m
Weather: Sunny with rain pm. Temperature: High 27 degrees
A really tough but beautiful day’s walk today. The first climb took me from the village of Albano Laziale up to a woodland where a shaded path skirted Lake Albano. It was a Sunday morning and I passed several people out exercising and there were fleeting glimpses through the woodland of the lake. After a short descent, the path then climbed steeply through the woodlands rising 300 metres over a distance of just 2 kilometres where it levelled out to pass through the village of Nemi with delightful views of Lake Nemi. The village was packed with visitors. It was past midday and I decided to stop for a light lunch and had to briefly wait for an outside table in a small cafe. Just after Nemi, the path took to woodlands again where I was alone once more and seemingly far from the crowds of Nemi. it started to rain and the paths quickly became muddy. At one stage I was followed for some distance by four large Maremmano dogs and although they kept their distance, it was an uncomfortable moment, and I was glad to meet two other walkers going in the opposite direction. There was another significant climb before the path descended to Velletri. It was a really damp evening when I arrived and made my way to the Seminario Don Orione, a religious centre that provided a bed for the night to passing pilgrims. I entered the grounds of the Seminario and was met by one of the Brothers and although I had emailed to let them know about my arrival they knew nothing of it – I was a surprise visitor, but nonetheless, they welcomed me and provided me with a bed in a dormitory located in a detached building away from the Seminario – it was a little unprepared and there was no hot water but it was a shelter from the rain and I was kindly invited to share dinner with the priest and the brother. It was an enjoyable evening.