Andria to Ruvo di Puglia – 24th June
Distance: 26.4 km – Elevation +250 m -150 m
Weather: Sunny. Temperature: High 29 degrees
A good walk today, two short stages combined into one – so just two days and I will be in Bari. I started early at 6.00 am and was in Corato by 9.00 am enjoying coffee and a cream croissant. I took a wrong turn on my way to Corato and found myself on a dual carriageway- fortunately I was facing oncoming traffic which was very light early morning, and there was also a wide waĺking shoulder.
After Corato it was all country lanes and tracks through vast olive groves, many with dry stone walls and floors covered in wildflowers. Not so many vineyards, some of which had polythene covering which helps to force the growth of grapes. Not too hot today with a cooling breeze. I have not seen another pilgrim or walker since day 3 when I met two Swiss men walking to Rome from Brindisi – it’s a lonely road out there but the Italian people have been very friendly and welcoming.
My B&B had its own terrace overlooking the rooftops of the town, so I decided to “eat in” and enjoyed a simple supper of local produce bought from fruit and veg stalls – the owner kindly gave me a bottle of Italian beer.