Chalkidona to Anchialos – July 23rd
Distance: 21.5 km – Elevation +120 m -120 m
Weather: Sunny. Temperature: High 34 degrees
The hotel was very comfortable and had a restaurant where I enjoyed a good supper, and this morning a good breakfast was provided. I left around 8.00 am and passed a few garden centres. I crossed a very long and straight irrigation canal and also the River Vardar. The river Vardar rises in North Macedonia and drains into the Aegean Sea, it is the second longest river in Greece. But generally, it was a bit of a slog today mostly along the busy main road.
A few moments to brighten the day. I veered away from the main road into the small village of Agios Athanasios in search of refreshments but could find only a small shop open. The shopkeeper was very inquisitive about my presence in the village, and as I was trying to explain, a delivery driver arrived who spoke good English and was able to relay to the lady my story. I settled down in the single chair outside the shop to enjoy my drink when another delivery driver arrived and he spoke with the lady – he turned to me and said in perfect English ” so you have walked here from Rome”!
After the break for refreshment, I kept to the more quiet back roads where I passed another 2400 year old Macedonian Tomb. Both the tombs I have seen have a protective canopy and the tomb entrance is just about visible beneath the canopy.
I found the small Alexandros Hotel in Achialos, located in a quiet back road off of the main route to Thessaloniki. It will leave me just 15 kilometres to walk tomorrow to reach the end of stage two of my pilgrimage in Thessaloniki, where I intend to take a holiday before continuing on to Jerusalem.