Sessa Aurunca to Teano – 11th June
Distance: 28.0 km – Elevation +570 m -380 m
Weather: Sunny. Temperature: High 31 degrees
Early to bed last night, after a delicious pasta supper, and a good night’s sleep paid dividends today. I left just after 6.00 am and reached the old town of Sessa Aurunca, where after a stop for coffee I spent some time in the magnificent Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul before setting off for Teano, today’s destination. Walking through country lanes, woodland paths – some seemingly impenetrable and old Roman lanes not changed since they were built 2000 years ago. I got lost a couple of times in a maze of different tracks ( no waymarking) – a really enjoyable day – and my legs only tired in the last two kilometres despite all the hills!