Velletri to Cori – 3rd June
Distance: 22.5 km – Elevation +350 m -410 m
Weather: Sunny. Overnight thunderstorms. Temperature: High 26 degrees
I was really tired last night and consequently, I enjoyed a good nights sleep. After a moment of reflection and prayer in the small chapel next to the dormitory, I joined my hosts for breakfast after which they walked with me into the gardens of the Seminario where the priest gave me a blessing for my onward journey and I was able to thank them for their hospitality. The rain had stopped overnight and it was a bright and warm sunny day as I made my way out of Velletri. The route followed the Via Troncavia, Via delle Corti and Via Crocifissi. It was a pleasant walk and after about 9 kilometres approaching Lake Giulianello the way forward became confusing and it was a while before I located the track that would take me to the lake. It was here that I met, Urs and Rudolph, two Swiss pilgrims who were walking to Rome having started their journey in Brindisi. They were interested in my pilgrimage to Jerusalem and after taking photographs and exchanging contact details I continued on my way. I stopped for coffee in the village of Giulianello. From Giulianello the path followed quiet country roads and farm tracks to reach the only climb of the day which took me to the ancient hill town of Cori and my bed for the night. The small self-contained accommodation was still being prepared when I arrived. Access was via steep and narrow stone steps where I sat waiting for the room to be ready. After settling in I visited the ruins of the Temple of Hercules built at the beginning of the 1st century.