Vevi to Arnissa – July 18th
Distance: 25.7 km – Elevation +380 m -590 m
Weather: Sunny. Temperature: High 27 degrees
From the Florina plains to walking in the mountains. The route out of Vevi followed the road that would eventually lead me to Arnissa. It was a long slow climb that would first take me to the highest point of the day at 1012 metres, the village of Kella which is situated on the northerly slopes of mountain Liliakos.
There were very few vehicles using this road, it was almost as if I was alone with the road. It was quiet, peaceful, verdant, and pastoral. Crops of corn being cultivated on either side of the road. I intended to return to the Via Egnatia trail on reaching Kella but I saw no great benefit in doing so and continued on the quiet road for the descent to Arnissa. So happy that I did. It was a perfect day for walking and I was rewarded with beautiful vistas first of Lake Petres and then Lake Vegoritis. The landscape through the mountains was a delight and the road was mine all the way to Arnissa. I passed an isolated farm between Kella and Arnissa and six dogs came bounding towards me all wagging their tails and bodies too – no noisy barking at all today – just a beautiful peaceful day. I arrived in Arnissa too early to check into the B&B and stopped in a cafe on the edge of the village for a sandwich and a glass of beer. Later I was met at the B&B which was a small self contained apartment by my host who demonstrated how everything worked including the washing machine. After resting and washing my clothes I walked into the village and down to the lakeshore and on my way back I purchased a takeaway pizza and a bottle of wine for a relaxing supper in the apartment.