Casola to Sant’Agata de’ Goti – 14th June
Distance: 18.6 km – Elevation +200 m -380 m
Weather: Sunny. Temperature: High 34 degrees
A relatively easy 12-mile hike today mostly along partially shaded country lanes. I left about 8.00 am after a light breakfast and said goodbye to my new Italian friends from Ivrea. From Casola the path descends into the Valle di Maddaloni. I passed through Ponti della Valle where a lively market was in process and then came to the amazing Carolina Aqueduct which was built in 1753. (I have put a link to a history of the aqueduct at the bottom of this page). The path then climbs out of the valley and through woodland before open country lanes with wide views of the distant mountains.
I arrived at today’s destination at 3.00 pm in time to catch up with my washing which is always a great relief! The B&B is located in the centre of the old town and I was welcomed by my delightful host who arrived by bicycle within moments of my calling to let her know I had arrived. Later I explored the delights of the medieval centre with its warren of narrow lanes and small piazzas. It was early for supper but I was hungry and found, in one of the piazzas, a restaurant preparing tables and they were happy to serve me. A delicious seafood pizza with a carafe of local wine.