

Komotini to Maroneia – August 18th

Distance: 35.2 km – Elevation +430 m -270 m Weather: Sunny. Temperature: High 29 degrees After yesterday’s marathon, I decided to leave later this morning and set off around 8.15 am after a good breakfast. My original plan was to walk in the direction of Alexandroupolì on the Sapi road, but after talking to the desk man at the hotel who said there was no accommodation on that road at all, and at his suggestion, I

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Maroneia to Agia Paraskevi – August 19th

Distance: 33.6 km – Elevation +340 m -530 m Weather: Sunny. Temperature: High 32 degrees Maroneia now a village with a population of 7000 was once the largest Greek colony in Western Thrace. It was first built on the slopes of Mount Ismaros in the mid-7th century BC. Maroneia is associated with the ancient city of Ismaros mentioned by Homer in the Odyssey. In the story, Odysseus plunders the city and attacks its inhabitants, the Cicones.

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Agia Paraskevi to Alexandroupoli – August 20th

Distance: 14.1 km – Elevation +100 m -100 m Weather: Sunny. Temperature: High 32 degrees No early rise today. I woke naturally at 6.30 am and after preparing for the walk into Alexandroupoli I wandered along the seafront with its row upon row of sun loungers and fake palm umbrellas, looking out across the Thracian sea to the cloud covered Island of Samothraki. The sky was a perfect shade of pale blue and cloudless apart from

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Alexandroupolì to Feres – August 21st

Distance: 29.1 km – Elevation +160 m -130 m Weather: Sunny. Temperature: High 31 degrees I took the straight route out through the eastern suburbs of Alexandroupolì and it was so different from the western suburbs of yesterday. This is where the light industry, out of town shopping areas, car showrooms, and supermarkets had been hiding. The suburbs extended as far as the airport, ten kilometres out of town. After that, the road became quiet again. 

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Feres to Kipi Border to Ipsala – August 22nd

Distance: 24.4 km – Elevation +110 m -150 m Weather: Sunny. Temperature: High 28 degrees My accommodation last night was in the comfortable and clean Hotel Anthi. I had arranged yesterday to walk with Jean and Marie to the Turkish border and we started walking at 6.30 am just as dawn was breaking. The route out of Feres followed farm tracks which at first ran parallel with a railway track and later with an irrigation canal.

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